
The Team is heart of the Ynet. It consist mostly of electrical engineering and information technology students (FEI/FIIT) who are members of Ynet association and also they contribute according to their abilities and skills to fucntioning and manage affairs necessary for the providing of the local network and the Internet. These people are not indifferent to the future of Ynet, they decided to put their hand to the work and do something for others. They do this voluntarily, at the expense of their free time, without financial reward. They meet regularly to coordinate their activities. Without these people Ynet would not exist.

According to the Statutes, the Team is defined as operating and in a certain specified cases the executive body of the association and it is decisively involved in the implementation of activities leading to the achievement of the objectives of the association.

More about the function of the Team can be find in the Statutes in Article 9

The Team is divided in several groups depending on the activities that team members are interested in.

Stable groups

Network & Wifi = NetYops

Head of groupErik Takáč (xtakace)

  • Managing of a network part
  • Configuration of active network devices
  • Troubleshooting the core of the Ynet network
  • Testing of new active devices
  • Development and managing wireless network - Wi-Fi on dormitories

Systems & Development = DevYops

Head of groupJakub Bordáš (jakubbordas)

  • Managing of production servers (Internet Firewall, Web Server, Mail Server) 
  • Managing of IT service and IS (Lase, E-mail)
  • Managing of Multicast
  • Programming for individual projects 
  • Development of Ynet's information systems

Local network admins

Head of groupMilan Berzédy (milanos099)
  • End-user technical support
  • Troubleshooting of the user side (to the network layer)
  • Work with active network devices (managed L2 switches)
  • Building of infrastructure

PR - Public relations

Head of groupPatrik Boržík (patrikborzik)
  • Communication with members of the association
  • Information for members of the association
  • Promotion of the Ynet 
  • Organization of lectures and conferences for students 
  • Communication with companies, schools, the media and the third sector

Y-Spaces - Ynet spaces administration

Head of group: René Kandra (xkandrar)
  • Managing of the Netlab
  • Development and spread of lab's possibilities
  • Operation of student zone Y-zone at dorm Mladost
  • Operation of study rooms across all the dormitories

YoT - Ynet of things

Head of group: Attila Sárkány (login)
  • managing and creation of iot projects
  • maintaining 3D printer
  • maintaning of custom card readers and its system
  • any related projects in this field

List of team members

Matúš Baloga - newbie
Roman Horvát - romario
Andrej Slebodník - andrejslebodnik

Júlia Slavkovská - xslavkovska
Roman Bitarovský - storm2
Erik Takáč - xtakace 
Michaela Hlivjaková - mishell3006
Milan Berzédy - milanos099 
Jakub Bordáš - jakubbordas
Patrik Boržík - patrikborzik
Attila Sárkány - login
René Kandra - xkandrar
Lukáš Gališin - xgalisin
Artur Kreba - xkreba
Jakub Hidvégi - hijak
Richard Klein - richard
Sára Dürešová - xduresova
Ján Petrus - janpet
Tomáš Bohuš - tomasbohus14789


Updated 11.3.2025 after mandatory meeting of RT

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