Monitor calibration
Have you ever met with situation that colors on photo didn't look same Stretli ste sa už s tým, že farby na fotke nevyzerali po vytlačení ako tie na monitore? Problem is probably that your monitor doesn't display colors correctly. Same as monitor, printer have to be calibrated too. But first is necessary to ensure that monitor is calibrated. Ynet provides their members with possibility of monitor calibration.
How calibration works?
Po nainštalovaní potrebného softvéru sa na monitor pripevní kalibračná sonda, ktorá za pomoci tohto softvéru vytvorí ICC profil s dobrou kalibráciou. ICC profil sa nachádza v súbore, ktorý slúži na správnu interpretáciu farieb z grafickej karty do monitora. Tento súbor profilu sa dá aplikovať, tak ako na celý Windows, tak aj na jednotlivé programy ako je napríklad Photoshop.
Are you interested?
Don't hesitate to contact us: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ATENTION! Service is provided only to full members of civic association Ynet. ATENTION!
Please provide:
- UID and login
- name, surname
- in subject provide name of dorm, room number
- serveral terms, when you have time (when calibrator could come to calibrate your monitor)
The final term will arrange calibrator with you accurately.
In arranged time the calibrator will come with calibration device. He will create up calibration profile (file) for you. Thank to application you have downloaded and installed, you will have no problems to use this calibration profile at windows startup. Process of calibration takes up 5-10 minutes.
Useful links