Internet in summer
At the beginning of summer holidays our newtvork enters a testing regime. This menas that internet connection, and all services during months july and august are FREE for all registered members.
What is in it for members:
During holidays our network is in testing mode, so minor drop-outs are imminent, however most of the time everithyng works all right. During summer membership fees are also suspended, so that you do not need to suspend yout membership for theese two months. In case, you accomodate yourself in a different room during holidays, you must change room at
New members
To make Ynets services available to other visitors - students accomodaed on the dormitorias , registration is necessary. Further info abou regiistration can be found here. In order to registrate you must be a student. However you do not have to be from Batislava or STU. You need to legitimate yourself with your ISIC. Because membership feees are suspended during summer, you only need to pay a registration fee of 10 EUR. This is the whole ammount for july and august
We recommend using pre-registration at . List af administrators and registrators can be found on our notice-board near entrances to dormitories.
Students of ERASMUS program
They do not registrate, they use internet wia Wifi-EDUROAM
At the beginning of the holidays, please be patient, because our administrators are being reaccommodated as well. So from time to time they can not be found in their rooms.
Summer regime transition
At the beginning of the holidays a necessary safety magere takes place, deleting remembered ports, it might accour, that you may encounter up to 1 hour of internet drop-out. This dropout will be announced on the following web page and on our facebook page
How to deal with drop-out:
- If your computer was turned on, you propably wont even notice the sortage.
- If your PC wat turned off, and you have no connectivity, connect wia ethernet cable, and at whole hour your connection shall be restored.If the problem persists please conntact your administrator
We wist you a nice summer ;-)