
Cisco Certified Network Professional
Ide o náročnejší II. stupeň CCNP kurzov Každý z týchto  kurzov má za cieľ pripraviť študenta na priemyselný certifikát príslušného kurzu:

CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking course (CCNP ENCOR v8) pripraviť na 350-401 ENCOR
CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing course (CCNP ENARSI v8) pripraviť na  300-410 ENARSI

Názov kurzu: CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking course (CCNP ENCOR v8)
Obsahová náplň: This is the first of two courses designed to help learners train and prepare for the CCNP Enterprise Certification. This course aligns to the core exam, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (350-401 ENCOR) which focuses on your knowledge of enterprise infrastructure including dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architecture, virtualization, infrastructure, network assurance, security, and automation.


CCNP ENCOR v8 contains 29 chapters. The content for this course can be found in the Cisco Press CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core ENCOR 350—401 Official Cert Guide.

Rozsah štúdia: 7x6hodinové praktické cvičenia,
Finál – teoretická a praktická skúška.
Trvanie cca 8 týždňov.
Materiály, kapitoly:
  • Configure L2 redundancy in an enterprise network.
  • Configure EIGRP to optimize performance in an enterprise network.
  • Implement advanced OSPF features to improve performance in both IPv4 and IPv6 enterprise networks.
  • Configure eBGP in a single-homed remote access network.
  • Explain the concepts of multicast operation and QoS in an enterprise network.
  • Configure IP services and VPNs to support secure, managed site-to-site and remote-access networks.
  • Explain how wireless topologies and antennas allow APs to pair with WLCs in an enterprise network.
  • Implement secure wireless networks to manage and support wireless roaming.
  • Implement advanced technologies to support a secure and scalable enterprise network architecture.
  • Configure network technologies to provide secure infrastructure access.
  • Explain the purposes and characteristics of virtualization and network automation.
Prerekvizity: Absolvované CCNA1-2-3ver7 alebo vedomosti úrovne CCNA

Po úspešnom zvládnutí záverečnej teoretickej a praktickej skúšky študent získa certifikát potvrdzujúci absolvovanie daného kurzu.

Všeobecné informácie o štruktúre a náplni stretnutí nájdete v samotnom linku Kurzy.

Názov kurzu: CCNP Enterprise: Advanced Routing course (CCNP ENARSI v8)
Obsahová náplň: This is the second of two courses designed to help learners train and prepare for the CCNP Enterprise Certification. This course aligns to the concentration exam, Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (300-410 ENARSI), which focuses on implementation and troubleshooting of advanced routing technologies and services including Layer 3 VPN services, infrastructure security, and infrastructure services.


CCNP ENARSI v8 contains 23 chapters. The content for this course is provided via the Cisco Press CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing ENARSI 300—410 Official Cert Guide.

Rozsah štúdia: 7x6hodinové praktické cvičenia,
Finál – teoretická a praktická skúška.
Trvanie cca 8 týždňov.
Materiály, kapitoly:
  • Implement DHCP to operate across multiple LANs.
  • Implement EIGRP for IPv4 in a small to medium-sized business network.
  • Explain how advanced EIGRP features affect network performance.
  • Troubleshoot common EIGRP configuration issues.
  • Troubleshoot EIGRPv6 issues.
  • Explain how OSPF operates.
  • Implement multiarea OSPF for IPv4 to enable internetwork communications.
  • Troubleshoot connectivity issues in OSPFv2.
  • Implement multiarea OSPFv3.
  • Troubleshoot issues with OSPFv3 implementation.
  • Configure BGP.
  • Configure BGP with advanced features.
  • Explain the processes used by BGP for path selection.
  • Troubleshoot BGP issues.
  • Troubleshoot Route Maps and conditional forwarding issues.
  • Configure route redistribution between routing protocols.
  • Troubleshoot IPv4 and IPv6 route redistribution.
  • Explain the impact of VFR and MPLS on routing decisions.
  • Implement DMVPN tunnels.
  • Configure  IPsec DMVPN with Pre-Shared Authentication.
  • Troubleshoot ACLs and Prefix Lists.
  • Troubleshoot security threats to a network.
  • Troubleshoot Device Management and Management Tools.
Prerekvizity: Absolvované CCNA1-2-3ver7 alebo vedomosti úrovne CCNA

Po úspešnom zvládnutí záverečnej teoretickej a praktickej skúšky študent získa certifikát potvrdzujúci absolvovanie daného kurzu.

Všeobecné informácie o štruktúre a náplni stretnutí nájdete v samotnom linku Kurzy.


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